Investment conference “Drizilik

E.A.R.T.H University Open Initiative Scholarship for Sierra Leone, Liberia


EARTH which stands for Scuela de Agricultura de la Region Tropical Humeda is a private, international, non-profit university dedicated to education in the field of agricultural sciences and the rational use of natural resources. Graduates earn a licenciatura degree in Agronomy. It is located in Limón, Costa Rica. The University aims to contribute to sustainable development around the world with an emphasis on Latin America and the Caribbean, a region known for its biological and cultural diversity, and also for being threatened by social disparities and inappropriate natural resource management.
The Open Society Initiative is currently offering 5 scholarships for undergraduate study to students from Liberia and Sierra Leone. The Application is due on March 12th 2012.
For more information on how you can apply CLICK HERE 

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