NCRA announces cost for new multi-purpose biometric identity cards


The National Civil Registration Authority (NCRA) has announced the costs for the various multi-purpose biometric identity cards.

In a press release, they inform the general public that the processing of and receipt for all categories of Biometric ID Cards will be done at the respective NCRA offices and other designated centres across the country.

The costs of the Biometric Identity Cards for different categories are listed below.

1. National Identity Cards for Sierra Leoneans only aged 12 and above – Le 140.00 (Nle)

2. ECOWAS ID Cards (on demand for Sierra Leoneans) – Le 240.00 (Nle)

3. ECOWAS ID Cards for Citizens of ECOWAS Member States – 400.00 (Nle)

4. Non-National ID Cards (Mandatory for Foreign residents in Sierra Leone) – 2,000.00 (Nle)

5. Application Fees – 5.00(Nle)

6. ID Verification – depending on the Field of interest


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