Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Fictional representation of previous post "high infidelity"


You can imagine my satisfaction when i came along this passage on pg. 230 of Aminata Forna’s Ancestor Stones

“You are my wife and Hannah will never be a threat to you”. Those were his words. I stared at him, my brain felt sluggish and cold. Then it dawned on me–Ambrose was confessing to an affair. Afterwards I realised he couldnt help himself. I dont mean about sleeping with Hannah. I mean telling me. There had been no tears, no threats or recriminations. I hadnt even had time to think such a dreadful thought, let alone utter it. And the expression on his face: it told not of shame, or fear or even guilt.
‘Now Serah,’ he had said in his lawyer’s tones. ‘Now Serah, You must understand. This is Africa. We are in Africa now. And I am an African man. Thats just the way it is.’ No, Ambrose hadnt been confessing at all. Not at all. He’d been boasting.’

I can not express how happy i was when on pg. 232 i read the following passage. I was grinning ear to ear on the train.

“I hit her. Again and again. Oh, what a noise she made as she went down. She begged me to stop. But i didnt stop. I beat her the way you beat a snake, to make sure its dead. And maybe i would have killed her if the houseboy hadnt heard the palava and come running. He caught my raised hand. ‘Stop, Ma. I beg.’ So softly, it brought me to my senses. And ever so gently he removed the umbrella from my hand”

I am not one to condone violence but i was sooo pleased to read these pages. Total self satisfaction.

I have about 100 more pages to go on the book but i’ve passed the middle and i most say that it is brilliant. Aminata Forna is just brilliant!!!!!!


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