Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

5 lessons learned about the academic struggles of girls in remote communities – Make Sierra Leone Famous Podcast Ep7


In the latest episode of the Make Sierra Leone Famous Podcast, “Fambul Tok for Girls,” host Vickie Remoe, is in conversation with three single mothers whose daughters went from teen moms out-of-schools to academic excellence. Three overage teen mothers who started first grade two years ago in Gbundapi, Pujehun District took the top three places in National Primary School Exams (NPSE). Remoe talks to the women who supported their daughters to re-enroll to find out how they did it.

This episode was produced as a community radio program in partnership with Save the Children to mark International Day of the Girl 2020 in Sierra Leone. The parents discussed how they helped their daughters to achieve academic excellence in one of the remote communities of Sierra Leone with support from Save the Children’s Accelerated Education Program. 

Here are 5 things we learned from the conversation

  1. Most parents in Sierra Leone used to believe that formal education is not important for girls, so they are not sending them to school, but rather send them to married.
  2. Children in remote areas (especially girls) are liable to perform poorly in public exams because the resources are not available. 
  3. Most times in Sierra Leone girls face challenges of going back to school after becoming a mother. 
  4. When teen mothers have a supportive parent and the community programs to get them into schools they can score high marks.
  5. The community (friends) has a great influence on the decisions of girls and they most times led them to do bad. 

For more listen to the all-new episode of the Make Sierra Leone Famous Podcast now available on Itunes, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. 

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