Investment conference “Drizilik

Stage to Stage Marshalls unveils The Suitcase in Freetown


Se-theatre Nigeria and Stage to Stage Marshalls Sierra Leone staged the first ever musical, dance, drama poetry and show called The Suitcase it involved actors, actresses, poets, and fashion designers from both countries.


The show was held on Sunday 28th April 2019, in collaboration with the British Council in Sierra Leone, with the aim of promoting Sierra Leone and Nigeria cultural heritage in one show. All of the activities were planned in a unique storyline titled the “THE SUITCASE,” the theme of the event was “the role of art and culture in Africa development.”

“It feels good organising a show of this magnitude in the country, one unique thing about this show is that 95% of the people involved from both countries are young aspiring individuals. The show is about promoting youths, culture and arts, with the sole aim of making a positive impact in Sierra Leone,” said Director Mamadu Jalloh.

“THE SUITCASE” is about unearthing the corruption and embezzlement of our funds, rights and heritage in Africa as a whole and ways and means to tackle such act.

“I had the pleasure to watch this wonderful show for the first time. It was an amazing experience to be part of this exciting series of drama, poetry, music and fashion in one stage with our Nigerian counterparts,” Khadija Bangura intimated.

It was an absolute thrilling show that left many calling for another to be staged soon.

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