Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sierra Leone: Top artist Star Zero donates to Kissy Town



One of Sierra Leone’s most beloved female lyricists, Star Zero (real name Linda Samai) partnered with Daughters Of Zion (DOZ – KABBAL) to make donations to the Kissy Town Community, Waterloo, Western Rural of Freetown. They donated baby toys, clothes, and other items worth millions of Leones to the less privileged children and lactating mothers residing at a former camp for internally displaced persons.

Before the donation Star Zee shared some words of motivation. She encouraged mothers to send their children to school so that when they grow up they may not only take good care for them but also become the future leaders of Sierra Leone.

Residents of the community informed the DOZ – KABBAL about the countless number of challenges they in the Kissy Town community. They lack electricity in the camp, work is hard to find, and security is another concern. The former camp needs a fence to keep out intruders who harm residents and cause problems for women especially.

Star Zee donates ten (10) bags of cement for the fencing project. She also committed to putting on a charity concert to help raise funds to address the challenges brought by the people at the Kissy Town.

“I feel compelled to do everything that I can to assist the less privileged, we must come together as individuals, government, philanthropists, and artists as one in nurturing and developing kids,” said Star Zee.

Before she left she encouraged children to be serious with their education no matter the difficulties they may face. Star Zee said that they should believe that with hard work and prayer things will be better in the future. She said everyone; mothers, fathers, family members and should work for the betterment of Sierra Leone.

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