
Nasser Ayoub on Five Minutes with Swit Salone


The first episode of 5 Minutes with Swit Salone featuring Nasser Ayoub, a Palestinian-Sierra Leonean musician, businessman, and philanthropist is out now. 

Nasser was born in Sefadu, Kono, Eastern Province of Sierra Leone to Palestinian parents. He got his breakthrough in 2012 after he released his first solo single titled “Tranga Yais Borbor”. In this episode of the show, he takes us through a journey of his life as a musician, businessman, and philanthropist.

5 Minutes with Switsalone, is an entertainment series that is featuring top Sierra Leonean celebrities in music, movie, and art. The show allows its guests to give a full background of their life from the beginning of their careers to their present stage. In this episode of the show, he takes us through a journey of his life. 

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