Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Renowned Politician and Businessman, Musa Tarawally opened a garment production factory in Freetown 


Renowned Sierra Leonean businessman and politician, Musa Tarawally, has just opened a new garment production factory in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone.

“Tees Garment Factory” is the name of the new investment and it is located on Wilkinson Road, Freetown. Tees Garment Factory produces all kinds of dresses, starting from shirts, African attire, suits, and wears for all types of occasions. They also do all types of printing for banners, T-shirts and other stuff.

According to a publication by the Calabash Newspaper, the factory as a start will employ 250 staff when it starts operation full time and in the next two years, it’s aiming to have employed over 5000 workers when the company starts cultivating cotton plantations.

Musa Tarawally further states that the company is currently catering for the local Sierra Leonean market, but will also be exporting to other countries in Africa, America, Asia and Europe. 

However, he said that Tees Garment Factory can produce uniforms for the police, army, prison service, fire force and nurses. Hence this will reduce government expenditures on importing uniforms for public offices from foreign countries.

Source The Calabash Newspaper

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