Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

First Lady Sierra Leone made fellow of West African Council of Nurses


First Lady of Sierra Leone, Madam Fatima Maada Bio at 15th Biennial General Meeting, 24th Scientific Session and the 39th Council Meeting of the West African College of Nursing held at the Freetown Bintumani Conference hall, was made a Honorary Fellow of the West African College of Nursing. The honorary fellowship was in recognition of The First Lady’s commitment to the empowerment of women and girls in Sierra Leone.

In accepting the honor bestowed upon her, Madam Fatima Maada Bio recognized the sacrifices and dedication of nurses in Sierra Leone, while stating that the work they do cannot go unnoticed, but one worth emulating, as they are the backbone of health care delivery in a nation.

She said she admired for the nursing profession, highlighting nurses’ tenacity and dedication to human service, citing  the bravery and passion of local nurses when Sierra Leone was faced with the Ebola epidemic and mudslide disaster respectively.

The First Lady says her office is open to working with institutions involved in improving the state of nursing and midwifery not only in Sierra Leone, and West Africa at large. She believes that “Nurses do it best”.

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