Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sierra Leone: What you need to know about March 27-29 NERC lockdown (PSA)


[highlight]PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT[/highlight]

Dates: 27th to 29th March 2015

Zero Ebola Campaign Objectives:

  • Re-energise Sierra Leoneans in the fight against Ebola and encourage personal commitments to ending the outbreak and staying at zero;
  •  Inform communities about the behaviours that continue to drive the EVD transmission in their own communities and encourage behaviours which can prevent transmission, such as regular hand washing with soap and water;
  • Find, isolate and treat Ebola cases through active case finding in Hotspot Districts; and
  • Encourage increased and continued reporting of suspect cases and deaths in No/Low Transmission Districts.Restricted movement times: 6am on Friday 27th March to 6pm on Sunday 29th March Exceptions to the above: 1pm to 3pm on Friday 27th March for Friday Prayers and 7am to

    2pm on Sunday 29th March for Palm Sunday church services


    There will be provision for movement of the following essential workers:

    •  Health workers at public and private health facilities
    • Staff and team members involved with the Zero Ebola Campaign and the Ebola Response Workers
    • Security apparatus and private security companies
    • Utility workers of Guma Valley Water Company, SALWACO and the National Power Authority (NPA) and Telecommunications Companies
    • Workers associated with delivery of materials to enable the reopening of schools
    • Fuel station workers
    • Local and international journalists
    • Arriving and departing passengers to and from Lungi Airport (and those meeting/dropping them)
    • Limited commercial vehicles to convey churchgoers to Friday Prayers and Palm Sunday servicesNo passes will be issued: Essential workers are to use ID cards or other forms of identification provided by their employers. Travellers are to hold airline tickets and those collecting travellers are to hold copies of the airline tickets.

      Public transportation will not be running: Free transportation for essential workers will be provided by NERC

National Ebola Response Centre (NERC) 1


MARCH 2015

House-to-house Activities:

Hotspot Districts – Active Case Finding, Conversations and Messaging, Distribution of Soap No/Low Transmission Districts – Conversations and Messaging, Distribution of Soap

Zero Ebola Campaign Team Composition: 1 Health Worker + 1 Trained Social Mobiliser + 1 Community Taskforce Member

Non-Ebola Healthcare Delivery: A response system is being established to enable critical non-Ebola health problems (particularly pregnant women and children) to be attended to during the Stay at Home. This response will be activated through the existing 117 referral system.

Situation Room Helpline Numbers:

+232 77 39 85 68
+232 77 39 85 21
+232 79 00 03 63

+232 79 00 03 87

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