Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sierra Leone’s capital city elects a woman as Deputy Mayor


Mrs. Hannah Mary Jaiah of Ward 360, Constituency 101 has been elected as Deputy Mayor of the Freetown City Council. This comes after much disappointment in the movement for a 30% quota for women in government.

The call for a 30% quota was ignited by  United Nation Millennium Development Goal 3 which states the nations must promote gender equality, and promote women by 2015.

One of the objectives of MDG Goal 3 is to increase the participation of women in governance.

The election of Mrs Jaiah and the recent inauguration of Mrs Sunkari Kabba-Kamara as mayor of the town of Makeni in the North is a move int hr

As the President’s cabinet begins to take shape, Sierra Leoneans are hopeful that the President will keep his promise to put qualified women in positions of public trust, and that this trend will continue in all areas and sectors of the country.

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