Investment conference “Drizilik

Freetown Foto Fest 2012: Now Accepting Submissions


Freetown Foto Fest is asking for “Wan Dohzin” of your best unpublished photos taken in Sierra Leone


Swit Salone is calling all amateur photographers and photo story tellers in Sierra Leone to submit 12 photos to our 1st online photography festival.


The Freetown Foto Fest 2012 is open to anyone in Sierra Leone and the photos can be of anyone, anything or any place as long as they are of Sierra Leone. We are looking for strong images that collectively tell a story about Sierra Leone life.


Photos can be taken with a camera on your phone or digital camera as long as they are clear!

Each Image must be 100kb minimum in size and can be submitted via email, picasa, or flickr. 

Deadline for submission is November 1st 2012.




The best entries will be published on on the week of Nov 8th 2012.


Winner receives 500,000 Leones and Digital Photography Internship with SwitSalone 


****Photos that are not used will be deleted. We only want pictures taken by you. Don’t submit someone else’s pictures. Selected entries will be asked to provide additional background information/captions/stories about their submitted photos. Please save each photo you submit with you name and title of image if it has one. We will try our very best to protect the right to your images when we upload them to SwitSalone**** 

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