Investment conference “Drizilik

New Music: Di’ja Blell asks ‘how can we be friends?’


Di'Ja Blell (c)

Di'Ja with father Joe Blell in Sierra Leone 2010

Hadiza Blell aka Di’Ja best known for her hit ‘Rocksteady‘ is back on the scene with a new ballad, ‘How can we be friends’. Dija who is of Sierra Leonean and Nigerian descent,  spends most of her time in Canada. Her father Joe Blell is a former deputy minister of Sierra Leone and a distinguished gentleman. She was one of the opening acts when Akon performed at Sierra Leone’s 49th Independence anniversary in 2010 and she sang the hook to JayArr’s Mama Salone.  Like a proper African child, Di’ja is holding down her music career while pursuing degrees in Biochemistry and psychology.


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