Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Idris Elba granted Citizenship and made Brand Ambassador for Sierra Leone


Hollywood Actor Idris Elba has been granted Citizenship and made a Brand Ambassador for Sierra Leone by President Bio few minutes ago at State House, Freetown.

Conferring the citizenship the President said he had a burning desire to do this on behalf of the people of this country. As he said the country has gone through a lot as a nation as many know Sierra Leone either through the War or Ebola or the Mud Slide and it was going to take a conscious heading on the path of the country to change that.

“I have tried my best as a lone fighter though the help of my ministers but I think we need more hands on beck and with you I believe we have a capable hand and with your wife which are four more hands with them me and ministers will shape the future of this country”

“Today am very pleased on behalf of this nation to formally accept you as a brother, a son of the soil and hand over to you this diplomatic passport. “

In his response Mr Elba said he felt humble and thankful to have been granted a diplomatic passport from his father’s homeland as this brings honor to his family.

“My heart is the same color of my passport and am very proud of that and my heart is what am going to bring to Sierra Leone and what it brings is determination.”

In attendance to witness the ceremony was Her Excellency Madam Fatima Bio, Chief Minister, the Attorney General and Minister of justice, Chief Immigration Officer, Mrs Sabrina Elba, Members of the Elba Family and some members of the press.

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