Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

UBA Sierra Leone Makes History 81 Bankers Promoted In One Day


Sierra Leone’s leading banking and financial institution initiative prioritises human capital

UBA Sierra Leone is on track to make 2024 a year for the corporate history books. At an internal meeting on April 22, the bank announced that it was promoting 81 employees across all departments. This is the highest number of people promoted at any given time since the bank opened its doors in 2008. 

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer UBA Sierra Leone, Mohamed Alhajie Samoura, acknowledged the immense contributions of his team. 

“This is a reward for your hard work, commitment, and dedication to UBA,” he said. He assured staff that UBA SL will continue to advance those who work hard and commit to the bank’s mission.  “The institution you work for recognizes good work and is ready and willing to reward you duly.”

The bank’s Office of Human Capital Management said that UBA is committed to advancing its People’s Happiness initiative. The initiative promotes employee comfort and retention by improving the bank’s working environment, promotion, medical insurance, and more.

“Our goal is to make UBA Sierra Leone a great place to work,” said Millicent Yormah, Country Head of Human Capital Management.

The promotion news was met with jubilation from all staff, with offices and corridors buzzing with congratulations and celebrations. 

 “We remain humbled and focused on our goals, committed to maintaining the same level of excellence and passion that brought us here,” said Sallieu Sesay, Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications.

United Bank of Africa is Africa’s Global Bank

UBA Sierra Leone has ten branches, over seven outlets and numerous ATMs. The bank offers services in personal, corporate, digital and diaspora banking. Earlier this year, UBA Sierra Leone made history when the Bank of Sierra Leone approved Mohamed Alhajie Samoura as the UBA’s first indigenous Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. Since taking over as leader at UBA Sierra Leone, the bank has soared to new heights. Samoura doubled the bank’s revenue, profitability, deposits, account openings, and risk assets. And now he’s ensuring that local talent at UBA SL climb the corporate ladder.

UBA Group operates in twenty African countries: the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, and the United Arab Emirates. Offering retail, commercial, and institutional banking services, UBA is at the forefront of financial inclusion and cutting-edge technology. As one of the largest employers in the financial sector on the African continent, UBA employs over 30,000 people worldwide and serves more than 37 million customers globally. UBA Sierra Leone currently boasts over 400,000 customers and aims to be the undisputed leading financial services institution in Sierra Leone’s banking sector.

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