Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

SLPP and NGC announce progressive alliance for the 2023 elections


The Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and the National Grand Coalition (NGC) on Sunday, April 23, 2023, announced that President Julius Maada Bio will be their main presidential candidate for this year’s multi-tier elections. 

This comes after both political parties agreed on a strategic progressive alliance which aims at forming an inclusive government with ministerial and other appointments to members of the NGC if President Bio emerges as the winner of the presidential elections.

Speaking at the official launch of the alliance, Honorable Kandeh Yumkella, leader of the NGC said the formation of the alliance was not an easy decision but one that came as a result of the shared vision of both parties for the nation.

“Today marks a historic day in Sierra Leone as the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) and the National Grand Coalition (NGC) come together to form the Progressive Alliance. This decision demonstrates our unwavering dedication to placing the interests of our nation first and collaborating to create a brighter future and more prosperous future for all our people,” said Honorable Yumkella. 

Prior to the 2018 elections, the former UN Undersecretary General was a member of the SLPP, but on several occasions, he was denied access to the party offices in Bo and Freetown. His membership was also not acknowledged by the party executive, due to all the intimidations he faced he quit to form the NGC in 2017 and later contested for the presidency the following year.

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  1. visiter la page 21 October, 2023 at 23:06

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