Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sierra Leone bans sporting activities till further notice 


The Government of Sierra Leone has banned all sport-related activities in the country until further notice. This was according to a news release from the Ministry of Sport today. 

The statement reads that following the unprecedented spread rate of the Coronavirus across the world which has affected almost every country, directly, or indirectly and the ministry of sports as part of its numerous preventive measures hereby ban all sporting activities in the country with immediate effects until further notice. 

“Being the only Mano River Union Country without any case of the Coronavirus at the moment, taking such preventive measures is a positive strive especially when the virus has badly halted sporting activities across the world thereby forcing international federations and some national federations to cancel/put on hold sporting events in the world”.

The statement added that the Ministry would want to ask all sports stakeholders and sports-loving fans to adhere to all preventive measures from the National Emergency Response Centre to fight the Coronavirus. 

With this notice, the Sierra Leone Premier League, WAFA, and all other sporting activities have been put on hold effective immediately. 

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