Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Breaking News: WHO declares Coronavirus Global Health Emergency


The Coronavirus has been declared a Global Health Emergency by the World Health Organization. This declaration was made because the outbreak continues to spread inside and outside of China.

“The main reason for this declaration is not what is happening in China but what is happening in other countries,” said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The main concern is that it could spread to countries with weaker health systems.

According to WHO there had been 98 cases in 18 counties outside of China, but no deaths has been reported as of now.

There have been eight cases of human-to-human infection – in Germany, Japan, Vietnam and the United States.

A Sierra Leonean tweeter user Sandra Lako said while awaiting response from the Ministry of Health and Sanitation on plans and protocols we should continue to implement infectious prevention and control measures.

“Lets not sit back. Wash your hands with soap and water frequently friends” Lako said in a tweet few minutes ago.

Global emergencies are declared when a disease or virus spreads across borders and is considered to be putting other countries’ public health in danger. Once in place, relevant regions undergo thorough investigations along with restrictions on travel and trade.

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