
China Quarantines 11 million people in Wuhan city to fight Corona viral Pneumonia.


The People’s Republic of China closed off a big city (Wuhan) with a population of 11 million in their effort to contain a deadly new viral illness (Coronavirus Pneumonia) that has left hundreds sick and fast spreading in other cities. Busy Streets, shopping malls, restaurants, and other public places have been quiet ever since the declaration of the city being quarantined.  

Wuhan city

As a result of this state of emergency, movie theatres cancelled their shows, traders of fresh produce increased prices of their goods.

Police teams guarded the city’s train station, and blocked the entrances at 10:00 am. According to World Health Organisation‘s representative in China, Gauden Galea “Trying to contain a city of 11 million people is new to science, it has not been been tried before as a public health measure. We cannot at this stage say it will not work” he says. All residents have been asked to wear masks in public places, staff should wear them and all shopkeepers should put sign posts for visitors.

The illness started last month in Wuhan city, and the majority of China’s 571 cases have been from Wuhan city. China has recorded a total of 17 dead, among the dead were ages between 73, oldest 89 and youngest 43.  The first recorded cases in the outbreak were found in Wuhan’s seafood market among people who worked or visited the market. It is suspected that the virus was transmitted from animals or may be mutating. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) plans to meet with scientific experts as whether to declare the outbreak a global health emergency. 

Chinese Travelers

Some countries are screening travellers from China, especially those arriving from Wuhan.  

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