
A five year old girl who was raped last year needs your help today



A five-year-old girl who was left paralyzed by rape can now move on her own thanks to an operation done in India. The Asmaa James Foundation raised  funds for the medical evacuation of Angela in August. She has been in India for two months under the care of the AJ Foundation.

Today the Foundation needs to raise $10,000 for two additional surgeries that will bring Angela closer to her goal of increased mobility and independence. The surgeries will repair damage to her knees and ankles.

To find our more about Angela read the story that brought her plight to the publica year ago and also follow the Foundation’s efforts to support Angela’s recovery.

Angela is not her real name. The name of the victim has been changed to protect her identity.

To contribute to this campaign send your donation to Asmaa James Foundation’s Sierra Leone Commercial Bank account



Mobile Money

Orange Money:  +232-76-810882

AfriMoney:  +232-88-603285

Donate to this GoFundMe:https://www.gofundme.com/f/gjfbeh

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