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From Sierra Leone but she is Sunny In Every Country – Meet travel blogger Sunny Kamara


You might remember bombshell Sunny Kamara from Restycle who we profiled here back in 2012. Then it was all fashion, and sourcing globally ethical jewels and accessories from Africa and beyond to the US. Recently however Sunny has lunched a travel blog that inspires wanderlust in anyone who follows her.

The average Sierra Leonean probably sees her feed and wonders; “How does she do it?” Fabulous hotels, fly airlines, sick views, I mean how? And most importantly who is taking all those super fabulous photos?!

Follow Sunny’s new project and adventure over on her website at Sunny In Every Country.

This girl is living life sha! Bo yu noh go put wi na yu suitcase?


You can’t visit Chicago and not take a picture at Big Bean! #SunnyInEveryCountry #SunnyInChicago A photo posted by SunnyInEveryCountry (@sunnyineverycountry) on

Delicious local food called Moimoi + local drinks = Perfection! #SunnyInEveryCountry #SunnyInNigeria #SunnyInLagos A photo posted by SunnyInEveryCountry (@sunnyineverycountry) on

The beautiful Nigeria that you barely see in the media! #SunnyInEveryCountry #SunnyInNigeria #SunnInLagos #Travel #Lagos #Nigeria

A photo posted by SunnyInEveryCountry (@sunnyineverycountry) on

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