Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sierra Leone: Illegal beach bars demolished by Tourist Board…again


The Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs has again demolished chalets, and small shops around the Aberdeen, Lumley Beach area.  Most of the structures were constructed without permits and are therefore considered illegal. Ministry officials and others believe that illegal structures serve as a haven for criminal activity and prostitution in the city’s main tourist district. It was just two weeks ago that the corpse of a young woman was abandoned on the beach.

Mr Umaru Woody, Planning and Product Development Manager National Tourist Board said that the demolition was being done in partnership with the Road Transport Corporation (SLRTC), and the police. They hope that this time the demolition will last.

Mr. Woody said that a plan had been developed for the beach front that would make way for 20 beach bars and recreational facilities and that the Ministry was also developing police to guide beach bar operations.

“We are not putting anyone out of business but modernising the bars”, he said.

Tourism is at an all time low in Sierra Leone after over a year of flight restrictions amidst the ebola crisis.

Images & Reporting by Augustine Kargbo

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