Investment conference “Drizilik

Sierra Leone: New curfew in the North after 31 new cases in 7 days


Northern Sierra Leone Map

President Koroma has asked residents of Port Loko and Kambia districts to stay home for 21 days to help reduce the spread of new ebola cases. For the next 3 weeks residents in these areas must be confined to their homes from 6pm-6am.

Between June 7-June 15 there were 31 new ebola cases in Sierra Leone, the highest spike since March this year. The new cases are in Kambia, and Port Loko in the North with 2 cases in Freetown.

There are over 300 people currently in quarantine in Port Loko, Kambia, and the Western Area. The spike in new cases occurred when patients under treatment from ebola escaped from facilities in the North and headed for Freetown. In other cases people have returned to burying their dead and seeking treatment from herbalists.


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