Investment conference “Drizilik

Keri Hilson Enjoyed Cote D’Ivoire! [PHOTOS]


R&B songstress Keri Hilson gave a concert in Abidjan (Ivory Coast), on November 26The private concert was done inpartnership with the phone company MTN. 
After the show,  Keri Hilson visited the Case des Enfants, a home for underpreviledged kids supported by “Children of Africa” Foudnation.

One the the things that Keri will retain from her trip would probably be the dabali (food). The little gourmet enjoyed the food so much that she tweeted: “Ivorian food is just unbPoulet braisé, aloco, kedjenou, mouton, fish (carpe, capitan, sol, tilapia), igname, & attiekeelievable! Poulet braisé, aloco, kedjenou, mouton, fish, igname, & attieke”
I hope she asked for the recipes and gave them to her chef so he could still bring Africa to her meals…
Source and Picture:

 By MissJackee

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