Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

China Commits USD 6.9 Million in Aid to Sierra Leone


The Republic of China has announced a commitment of 50 million Chinese Yuan (equivalent to USD 6.9 million) in economic and technical assistance to Sierra Leone. They have also cancelled a debt totalling 20 million Chinese Yuan (approximately USD 2.78 million).

Chinese President Xi Jinping revealed the development during discussions with Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio, who is currently on a state visit to China in Beijing. The meeting resulted in the signing of bilateral cooperation agreements covering areas such as the Belt and Road Initiative, agriculture, economic development, and the implementation of the Global Development Initiative. Both leaders issued a joint statement affirming their commitment to enhance their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

In addition, President Xi Jinping, as stated by the Sierra Leone State House on Wednesday, announced a food aid package of 1,500 tonnes for the disadvantaged population of Sierra Leone during the bilateral talks.

President Xi, also highlighted the mutual support on core interests and major concerns, efficient cooperation in economic and social development, close coordination on global peace and development issues, and joint efforts in combating Ebola and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Xi underscored that China-Sierra Leone relations exemplify solidarity and cooperation between China and Africa. He expressed China’s readiness to enhance high-level political trust with Sierra Leone, promote pragmatic and mutually beneficial cooperation, and bolster coordination on international and regional affairs to elevate bilateral relations.

Additionally, Xi reaffirmed China’s firm support for Sierra Leone in choosing a development path aligned with its national conditions. He pledged to deepen exchanges on national governance and collaborate with Sierra Leone in addressing mutual concerns while safeguarding sovereignty, security, and development interests.

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