Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sierra Leone: Here are the 7 things the president said on post ebola recovery



On July 24th the President of Sierra Leone presented the nation’s post ebola recovery plan, here are the key points he made with regards to the plan. There was no mention of the parliamentary outcome of the ebola audit report findings although the President said nothing must be hidden and accountability was key re ebola recovery.

  1. The President said that first nine months the recovery prioritizes four sectors – health, education, social protection, and the economic recovery.
  2. After those first nine months, they will start a two-year plan will continue with the implementation of the Agenda for Prosperity during which there will be continued focused on health and job creation. Road network construction will continue as well as attempts to improve service delivery in energy and water.
  3. A post ebola recovery delivery team will be set up in State House to oversee the plan.
  4. Farmers will get seeds, medicines will go to the sick, and educational materials will be given to the pupils.
  5. Donors pledged $804.2 millions at the UN Pledging Conference on Ebola held in NY earlier this month, and the President believes that this means that they (the donors) have confidence in the Government of Sierra Leone’s post ebola plans.
  6. The President said that mutual accountability should be a key watchword in the engagement between the government and its donor partners. The President said that “nothing must be hidden, and all must be accountable.”
  7. The President said that he was trusting the Ministers, heads of agencies, MPs, Chairmen, Mayors, Local Councilors to work with your colleagues in government, with development partners, with the business community, and with win personally, in an open and transparent manner, to restore our country on the path to prosperity which we embarked upon in 2007.

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