Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Christians divided & 2 stabbed over Evangelist Sister Linda’s revelations


Words by Jaime Barry in Freetown

A young female evangelist in Sierra Leone has announced that only 5 of the nation’s citizens will make it to heaven and only 3 churches there are approved by God. Sister Linda Ngaujah says she got this revelation after she died and was resurrected. Her words have divided Christians and others.

Sister Linda Ngaujah, a student at LICSAL business college in Freetown claims to have returned from a 5hr journey through hell and heaven. She told this to her Pastor Ezekiel Bamba Sesay of the International Church of Salvation. A taped recording of her revelations has been circulated on the radio.  Her messages are causing a stir in an otherwise very tolerant society. Two men stabbed each other in Funkia over an argument on Sister Linda’s revelation.

Pastor Sesay explains that Linda is not the first to have these revelations. Her younger sister Finda Ngaujah had revealed back in December 2012 that God intends to end the world. And now two and a half month later, a similar message has been revealed to her elder sister, Linda.

The Story

Sister Linda returned from a funeral ceremony few days ago when she got home feeling very dizzy. She then decided to relax on the couch in the living room for a while when eventually she started experiencing serious pain and foam started to form round her mouth.

She then called her Sister Finda to pray for her who according to Linda is a very strong Christian. Finda then prayed for her for almost about an hour when she felt a sharp pain before she realised that she was dead and heading to hell.  As she approached hell, she says she saw all kinds of human race crying for their lives. According to her, she noticed people where punished by what they love most in life.

Female fornicators were being punished with sharp objects being inserted to their  private parts while their male counterparts were being punished with objects being greased on their organs. After her first hell first, she was taken to heaven where she saw all kinds of beauty which she says made her wish she would not return back to earth. She narrated several beautiful images in heaven from mansions, to food and how the few righteous live their lives in heaven.

Minutes later, she was then taken back to hell to have a final experience. It was during this final experience she encountered several great people that were highly respected by many on earth. Sister Linda says she saw the former President of Libya, Muamar Gaddafi.  According to her, Gaddafi who was ousted a year ago during the arab uprising, is suffering severely in Hell. Sister Linda says that Gaddafi gave her a message to instruct all Muslims to break down all the mosques he built around the world and replace them with churches. She further claimed Gaddafi asked her to tell his children to invest all the money and resources he left into churches.

Another notable world leader she claim to have seen is the former president of the Republic of Guinea, General Lansana Conte. According to her, Conte gave her another message to tell all Guineans to transform the great nation into a Christian nation. Conte also reveal to her that he founded a secret cult in Guinea back then and would like his followers to demolish the cult because he (Lansana Conte) is suffering everyday as his followers rejoice during their gathering. The third notable she saw is the famous American singer, Whitney Huston. According to her, Whitney wants her family to dedicate all her wealth into the church. She further saw her own mother, father and grandmother all perishing in hell. She also stated in her audio message that not more than five Sierra Leoneans will make it to heaven. She also claimed she has a message for the current president of Sierra Leone, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma which according to the pastor, they have already delivered. She was given messages from several people in hell including the famous Osho Williams, a former government minister in Sierra Leone.


In everything that Sister Linda has said the one statement that has wrought chaos among Christians is that she says that only three churches have been approved by God, the Faith Healing Bible church, the International Church of Salvation and one Nigerian Pastor by the name of Pastor Emeka.

In response the churches have called her blasphemous. Some of the pastors say Sister Linda wants to bring division in churches and the unity Muslims and Christians share in Sierra Leone. But Pastor E.B. Sesay was quick to defend this statement.

“I know Sierra Leone is one of the world’s most tolerance countries when it comes to religious practices and Linda’s intention is not to bring division but to deliver a message given to her God and Jesus Christ,” her said.

“I understand some of her messages were too direct and can cause problems but we don’t have to blame her, she is just a young girl. She is presently under my supervision and am trying my best to coach her on how to deliver or preach such messages.”

He says they never wanted the revelations to go viral.

Whether Sister Linda Ngaujah’s message is true or false, she is the centre of discussion in thousands of homes across Sierra Leone. At the moment she is under a tight security and those wishing to hear her testimony will have to be searched and screened before they are allowed to see her. One of the security people assigned by the church Mathew Jalloh said they are trying to protect Linda’s life.

“Since the day Sister Linda’s message went viral, people have called her number insulting her and threatening her life. We don’t want to take chances,” he said.

As at the moment, sister Linda have refused to be interviewed by any media house nor allow her photo to be taken. I was only granted an interview by the Pastor who after several negotiation, agreed for me to take his picture. Sister Linda Ngaujah promised to grant Swit Salone an exclusive video interview after her seven days fasting.


  1. Alex Koroma 20 March, 2013 at 18:55

    Oh My! So, even if you’re good, you still visit hell twice? lol…Please take her to Dr Nahim. The one thing i really love about our country is OUR Religious tolerance. if this is true,let her keep it to herself, we dont need religious division like the majority of the world. Salone has a lot of issues already.

  2. Isaiah I. Sankoh 22 March, 2013 at 21:18

    Thank God for a wonderful revelation.I have no doubt in me that she is not saying the truth. Sierra Leonean is time for us to embrace Holiness and Righteousness and pray to God for Mercy. Forget about how many people will make Heaven, during the days of Noah only eight people were saved in the whole world so pray to God for Marcy and embrace holiness for Jesus is Coming soon.

  3. Destin Hinga Demby 23 March, 2013 at 17:17

    I am still reeling in confusion about the utterances coming from Sister Linda and so are many others. Please do us a favour first by requesting on our behalf a full blown investigation of the mental status history of the revealer’s forbears and immediate family members with the help of a certified psychiatrist. Infact the worst forms of malaria typical with some families can create hallucinations as if one is dining with Obama and another world leader that you dont like as waiter. Because that had been one’s contemplation before the so called near death experience.
    Again we should be careful not to now start to politicise personal dreams and fantasies. Leave the President out of this. He is just as human as everyone else!

  4. elizabeth 8 April, 2013 at 12:11

    if she was confirm dead and can back to life then her message is true because it is only God that can raise someone up from the dead..moreover i don’t need a message to tell me that Gaddafi and catholic and many more are in or heading to hell and she is not the only one that have said that and she will not be the only one because Jesus is giving final warming us to live right before it two not even surprise if only 5 sierra Leonean are qualify for heaven wit all the wickedness and evil in the land corruption do you think God eye behold iniquity? there is nothing contradicting with what she said only that this pride pastor has to go back to their need and ask God to tell them where they are lacking and return

  5. Prince 25 April, 2013 at 12:37

    Sierra Leone may be a secular nation, tolerating every religion and way of life, that is politics. In matters of life and religion God’s standard is one: INTOLERANCE OF FALSEHOOD OF ANY KIND. It is possible for this revelation to be disturbing to people of other religion other than Christianity, and also such people as nominal Christians, sinners in church ( who want to remain sinners and claim Christians), confused believers, self- acclaimed atheists, wishful thinkers (who would have rewritten the scriptures to suit their depraved lifestyle, obstinate sinners, deceptive fellow, and fake ministers of the gospel.
    Nobody should be confused about this revelation. It is simply a message to the consciences of men of all categories. Jesus said, He is coming for a church without SPOT, WITHOUT WRINKLE OR ANY KIND OF BLEMISH.
    Now ask yourself, ” Does God mean his words or did Jesus come to the world to establish religion as some men grade Religions? GOD IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS.
    The person writing is afraid and in great perplexity, searching my secrets for restitution and subsequent repentance.
    Will God change His standard because the world’s population has grown in billions with all the noise of popular preachers everywhere fulfilling the book of 2 Timothy 4:3.
    This revelation is a national call. The same God is making everywhere. If any Sierra leonean went to Hell, such will greatly regret the foolishness of stubbornness but then, it will be too late. You know how Jesus is in your life. Think about this seriously.

  6. Jesutowo 7 June, 2013 at 09:51

    sister Linda has spoken the mind of the Lord God almighty please don’t let us be too smart. it’s time to make our Father in heaven proud, lets embrace holiness and righteousness without which no man shall see the Lord. I can’t imagine myself missing a wonderful relationship with my heavenly Father for the pains in hell. As for me is goodby world so help me God, in Jesus name Amen.

  7. Annie Eastman 8 June, 2013 at 08:15

    Oh God, have mercy on us as human. Even if God is sending warning, mortal man is begging for Linda to keep it to herself. Listen, what shall it profit a man if he/she gain the whole world and loose his soul?
    Linda, keep speaking what the Lord have told you to tell the world. they did it to Jesus, they will do it to you.
    continue, some of us are being bless by your testimony and are amending our ways.
    Thanks Annie

  8. pat 12 June, 2013 at 19:37

    sister Linda thank you for dis msg….. i am a nigerian i watched s cd nd i want jesus in my life i want jesus i want to serve jesus i want to make heaven

  9. spineswags 14 June, 2013 at 19:02

    am a nigeria i live at asaba people told me about d story but it was not clear to me but now i realise something that there are things beyond our imaginations thing we fancy are things that always turn out real…… My dear nigeria’s God wants us to be safe he is doing every thing possible to makes us understand and be safe so please lets embrace peace and holiness

  10. cyrilnma 15 June, 2013 at 16:19


  11. Chizea 16 June, 2013 at 05:09

    It’s really great and wonderful of what the lord has been sending through his lovely creatures to the reach and hearing of others. Sister, I really felt it within my soul when I heard the blissful and chastising words of the lord to you to rededicate and santify my self. Beloved ones let us not be decieved for the days are evil, is not the time of making arguements. It’s rather a time to santify our self for the coming of the lord Jesus christ. If you think it’s unreal and not true and you terms it blasphemy why not accept it then as persecution you and as blasphemy to God. Securing your own salvation rather than threatening her life to keep off your hands from blood stains. To be pure before the the divine law of God and the natural law of man, having no blame.

  12. comfort 19 June, 2013 at 06:43

    hello,i saw ur comments. God bless you for that.keep living right. We had a msg in Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement,the church which Linda testified as one of those recognised by God, the msg says does Jesus mean evrything He said? So he means them and He is coming again

  13. Mariana 21 June, 2013 at 08:25

    Yes yes yes,well I don’t have any doubting spirit here, pls people let amend our ways and stop making our creator to be crying every seConds.our life is too precious before him.he loves us,as for the churches,pls amend we all will face judgment someday.heaven and hell is real.God said blessed are those who does not see me but yet believe.I belive in u lord, I believe in ur word and I belive in ur warning to the people.
    As for we ladies, Satan is fulling us on earth with worthly things which are all vanity,esp fashions,. Pls ladies be urself God loves us natural.let’s learn to ask for mercy every seconds.
    Also sister Linda needs our prayers I can imagin what she is passing tru now,let’s we all in Nigeria pray for God protection and guidiance towards her.God can us anybody.

  14. Esther Ehi 24 June, 2013 at 06:11

    thnks sister linda i have given up my trousers wavon attachmnt earings i never knew d Lord hates all of dat thanks so much

  15. LE EZI 24 June, 2013 at 14:28

    Let us all pray for Sis Linda. Remember she’s still a baby Christian. She has not been grounded in the faith yet. The devil will try to delude her so people will no longer believe her testimonies, the devil will tempt her with pride, many things. Let us all Christians remember that it is the Word that establishes a Christian. She has not heard much of the Word yet. She only just repented. Let us all pray for Sis Linda. That the Lord will keep her through all the devil’s temptations and that she’ll stand in truth till the end.

  16. Bro Emma 25 June, 2013 at 19:14

    Hmmm…even with all these,people are still arguing because they have not died yet. Am sorry for this generation. Pls stop arguing and repent from your evil doings.

  17. Vic 26 June, 2013 at 22:04

    Sis Lnda, please ride on with the message, as long as it’s from God no one can harm you. He that has hears, let him hear what the spirit is saying.

  18. Niyi Amuda 30 June, 2013 at 14:32

    The truth is always bitter. I totally believe in Sister Linda’s Testimony seeing that it is from God, only those who have the Spirit of God would accept this. Many pastors in Sierra Leone are currently reacting against this testimony because they’re comfortable with their backsliding nature. They are enjoying the tithe and offerings and preaching falsehood.

    As for those of you who’re fighting this testimony with your mouth, go ahead! But remember it won’t be long, Jesus will show up soon. Many people are fighting because they love their sinful lives. I pray that God will protect sister Linda to speak more and more of the heavenly message.

    This is the approach God has decided to take before His final coming. Not all will accept this message, only few are called. Are you among the few? -Nigeria.

  19. abayomi 1 July, 2013 at 12:38

    This is the message of truth. When spirit of God dwells in you, nothing will be hiding to us. Its time we surrender everything to him; just like she said of Nigeria Businessman Pastors. They got lot of investments with large churches every corner of this country, they never stop deceiving pple cus of money they will make
    . God have mercy on us.

  20. Dibia Oluchukwu Rita 1 July, 2013 at 21:03

    everybody should amend his or her ways not battling over sister Linda’s message.

  21. Val Ike 2 July, 2013 at 11:27

    U don’t need it, nt we, n she can’t keep it 2 herself bcos isn’t for herself God has reveald to her to tel us. Finally u beta beliv her story n ammend ur ways b4 is to late 4 u.

  22. frank 4 July, 2013 at 10:55

    Sister linda,i thank u for ur messages,God is with u and no evil wil cm in ur ways in jesus name,for those who dnt want to changes there evil ways remember there is hell waiting for u

  23. Favour 5 July, 2013 at 08:18

    Everything is vanity! I don’t need somebody to tell me that does people you mentioned are already in Hell. Work out your own salvation, HELL IS REAL BUT HEAVEN IS MORE REAL……….

  24. Prophet Sunday Samuel 5 July, 2013 at 10:44

    This message is perfectly true,Let all ministers and world leaders to Holines,integrity,righteousness,And faith.

  25. MOSES BULUS 7 July, 2013 at 22:29

    Thanks to lord our God the creator of heven and the earth for this revelation through sis. linda i believe it and its true remember at endtime nations will rise against nations fada against and son many other i pray to be a candidate of heaven amen!

  26. Williams John 10 July, 2013 at 16:20

    How many of us were given birth with earing, neckles etc.when the man sinned did God allowed the leave the man and his wife covered theirselves with? No he covered them properly. No holiness no heaven no two ways i beleives linda confession what we need to do is to repent no matter who you are God is not a respecter of persons. Linda will not die until she accomplised her purpose in Jesus name.

  27. Williams John 10 July, 2013 at 21:38

    A man that has attended a certain level of greatness in ministry,should b careful of pride, b/cus it is the greatest enemy of great men of God today.It will take a humble spirit to tell his members, that all that i have told u b4 on earing, attachment, not true, but here is the truth from God’s revelation of heaven and hell,from those the Lord had taken to reveal the secret of God standard of true holiness b4 Christ return.If u dont believe Linda believe the Word of God.

  28. Bro George 2 August, 2013 at 12:28

    Even if these message were to be fake, are the warnings in these message not enough to make u change, i bliv diz story a 100%. Though am from Nigeria, we are really blessed by these message, although many pple don’t care abt diz story, u knw hw sum nigerians are. We love you s.Leone, we luv u sis. Linda and i luv u all, hope to see u all in heaven amen.

  29. Ogugua Dennis 9 August, 2013 at 09:03

    Eventhough some1 is sent from the grave,yet they won’t believe luke 16:25-31..My dear freinds the simple reason why this is haappening is for the word of GOD to be accomplished.See freinds,Jesus christ would only come to take his bride and not to die again..Listen,this revelation is another means of Jesus’s compassion to bring you and I to his father (our true GOD).What material thing has sister linda to gain from this?? People of GOD,I am speaking with all conviction because I have seen revelations which I didn’t understand as a catholic until I came across this.Don’t just repent today,repent FOREVER and be conscious never to return to sin.Remmember,would christ still find faith when he returns?Blessed are those that have not seen or heard but yet believe.I feel like dying for JESUS.May our sister linda be protected by JESUS’s army,AMEN.GOD bless Nigeria,GOD bless the whole world.AMEN

  30. Joshua Ekeh 9 August, 2013 at 11:40

    I have been astonished by these revelations, this is to say the least. I must first state that God has given us His word the bible as a standard. Whatever revelations, prophecy, doctrine, etc we receive must pass through the test of God’s written word(2 tim 3:16). Whatever, whoever, however it comes, that contradicts this written word is not to be accepted. (2 cor11:1-15, Gal 1:6-8).
    That said i will want to pose a question to you. What is the purpose of christianity? Why did Jesus have to die?
    In summary, God birthed the salvation plan to restore a lost relationship between God and mankind, to restore the man he had created- a man of dominion- Gen 1:26, 3:16-24, Jn 3:16-18 (NOT FOR MAN TO ESCAPE HELL)- even the book of revelation prophecies a new heaven and earth where God would dwel with man.(Rev 21:1-8).
    Is there hell? Surely there is, but it was made for the devil and his agents(fallen angels) and all those listed in Rev 21:8.
    Paul admonished Timothy to study to show himself approved… rightly dividing the word of truth (2 tim 2:15). This also applies to us. Jesus warns us to be careful that in the last days false prophets shall arise.
    This is my opinion- (Matt 24:4-11)for the devil to deceive us he cannot present to us an obvious lie rather he would give us the truth that has been mutilated. It looks like the truth but it is not the truth. Remember Jesus said if it were possible even the elect will be deceived(Matt 24:24). Come to think of it what kind of deception can possibly deceive the elect? Surely we don’t expect to hear some flimsy stories about any Christ. It has to look authentic to deceive the very elect.
    Another issue is the character of the Christ they portray. If you haven’t studied Jesus in the four gospels please do. Time and space will fail me to say the little i know. The Jesus they present is one that is different from that of the bible. He is the jesus they have been taught, imagined, or something, definitely not the Jesus of the bible. Jesus talked about his coming but never threatened us with hell fire, but rather speaks of the father’s love and desire that none should perish but that all should come to repentance(2 pet 3:9).
    This is my humble submission- these testimonies are aimed at one thing- removing Jesus from our focus and placing our focus on ceremonial things, things that are of less importance, holiness that is based on our ability, not the finished work of Christ on the cross. Paul rebuked the galatians concerning this (Gal 3) how is it that you that once began in the spirit are made perfect in the flesh? Jesus accused the pharisees of leaving the weightier matters of the law(matt 23:23). Remember when the rich man asked abraham to send lazarus to the earth to warn his brothers, he told him there are prophets on earth and if they do not listen to the prophets they will not also listen to one from the dead.(luke 16:20-31)
    Don’t get of wrong God has a standard of holiness and righteousness which cannot be compromised. He is coming for His church and this question is asked; shall the son of man find faith when he comes?

  31. passionforchrist 10 August, 2013 at 22:22

    Sister Linda is speaking the mind of God.If you guys like change for your benefit and if you do not is up to you.God will need more of this revelation

  32. passionforchrist 10 August, 2013 at 22:26

    Can anybody give me sister Linda contact I need this testimony life and direct in my church in Nigeria .This is end time we need this end time message from the devil churches all over the Africa.

  33. Egbo Chinedu 11 August, 2013 at 00:34

    I’ve never had the kind
    of encounter i had while
    watching your videos
    I pray that God will increase your strenght
    so that the whole world might be saved

  34. Payne 12 August, 2013 at 15:13

    I am Emelda and a Cameroonian but i know sierra Leone because i schooled there. I believe sister Linda. Her message has change lots of lives in Cameroon including mine. Brethrens, God can use anybody to send forth His word. My only advise to the pastors she called is that they should examine themselves to know whether they are still in the race. I don,t see anything bad in her message because it is an opportunity for us to examine ourselves. If Cameroonians and other African countries are believing then Sierra Leone should do same. i hope and wish all who have listened this massage HEAVEN AT LAST.

  35. Benjamin Akpan 15 August, 2013 at 18:33

    Truly am in total confusion, bt i cn blve y some pastor in pentecostal churches could regard as false. They beta pray 4 dia sef dan regardin it as false. Me here in nigeria i strongly blve it o

  36. Opeyemi Esther 9 September, 2013 at 21:45

    sister linda messages is totally from God, I don’t know why people choose to destroy,what makes a prostitute to change from her way can’t you see that it is spiritual and real,Jesus says His coming is not soon but now and you are arguing repent your ways because in twinkle of an eye the lord will come, nigeria Hell is real. This is the end time(perilous time)

  37. Esther macha 6 January, 2015 at 21:18

    Ooooooh! Thank you Jesus. Since the day I heard this from ss Linda, I’m not me agan. I changed completely no makeup, eating, neckless. Attachments etc. The might God spoke to me through this msg. If u people prefer to comprise instead of repenting and thank Jesus for his love. I want you to know that This msg iz for the world not only for u people. the hell iz waiting for you repent. I’m from Tanzania

  38. Kumbaine Irene 14 March, 2015 at 18:54

    God is a no respecter of
    man, He chooses who to use. If truly those making noise that they are holy knew
    what Gods word says, they would humble themselves, repent fast for themselves,
    families, clans, districts , nation and the whole world at large, then ask God
    what to do next.

    The battle belongs to God
    and the victory is ours, do you think you can fight for righteousness, or you
    think your eloquence can take you to heaven, can we as humans help God to
    fight? Is God our equals that he needs us to help him where need be?

    Today we many believers
    have lost the real first love and yarning we had for God reaching an extent of familiarizing
    God wanting Him to do as we think and want against His will be done. Don’t we
    read the Bible that God sent his prophets but instead we rejected & killed
    them, He sent his son Jesus Christ whom we too killed then how do you expect
    them to believe a nobody in their sight?

    And on the last day many
    will say I did this & that but when its all rubbish in the eyes of God.
    Blessed is the man who sees one bringing good news, his heart will melt with joy?
    I would feel loved by God if God brought
    someone to speak in my life whether good or bad, I mean why me of all. Its
    because he loves us and corrects us as a father. Brethren, lets humble ourselves,
    go back to God, seek righteousness, and pray that He receives our sacrifices
    since he rejects many, I believe its
    better than this and that. God bless.

  39. princevinco 7 December, 2019 at 19:01

    I am not arguing that she had revelations, but the question is who gave her the revelations? Any revelation that contradicts the bible is a satanic and comes from the devil. Secondly, when did God ignoring saints and decided to revel deep things like this to a vessel laden with iniquity? The book of Psalms 12:6 says, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Also, Psalms 138:2b says, “For you have magnified Your word above all Your name”. Also, Psalms 119:89 says, “For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven”.

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