Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Play On Words (Poetry & Spoken Word)


A couple weeks ago a nieghbour’s baby died, one of many that has died in my neighbourhood in banana water over the past couple months, and hundreds that die in Sierra Leone. My friend was organizing her monthly poetry & spoken word night and this poem was inspired by the great many things that infuriate me about our current sociopolitical climate and misplaced priorities. So while most of the government is in London at the moment at an Investment Forum to bring business to salone, i write make this post so that they can memba us and keep us in mind.
After i read the poem i got several comments the most amusing of them included “u could get arrested for that” and another that said “i always knew u were an SLPP supporter”
Untitled Poem (by Vickie Remoe)
I try to imagine
A time when I wouldn’t feel
The guilt of living in filth
Poverty and disgrace
A badge of pride
The death of a dying nation
A cursed race
A people of little faith
And moral decay
The rancid smell of yesterday’s fish
Coated with the smoke of yellow painted metal junk
Imported as taxi
Polluting my lungs
My neighbor’s baby died
Last month
He was less than two
His father barely 18
Died before him
Both Victims of witchcraft
Murdered by a government
Of the people’s choice
Prado procurement politics
tax write off to import rice
what about Pa farmer
Multi Million dollar
Petroleum subsidies
While we languish without medical facilities
And personalized MLs, and hummers
Flood the streets
Beag baeg
Tiff tiff
I need to be positive
I want to be positive
But this shit is bleak
And I don’t believe
That WE
The collective
Are ready to BE
Become free
Be serious about post conflict
Remain in a state of post
We blame everyone
From the Lebanese
IMF World Bank Conditionality
NGOs fostering dependency
Excuse me but NIGGA PLEASE!!!!
I am sick and tired of this shit
The redundancy of excuses
Well I…I Blame Ernest Bai
While I finger my eyes
And lick the tears of
Empty dreams
A generation fucked by
Afternoon shift
Morning shift
Shift this shit
Change of shift
They ain’t learning shit
I give lifts to kids
Going up hills
And across bridges
Trying to clean my conscience
Sitting in Mercedes benz
Destination lumbley beach
Searching for peace
i look out to the sea
as my slippers jump a dog’s shit
and I let the wave crash against my thighs
asking Aye God why here
of all the places in the world
wetin make dem bon me na ya


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