Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sierra Leone News Week 4-J-21-2020: Renaissance Movement frowns at fuel price increase, ACC clears Minister’s Name on rice saga and more.


Renaissance Movement frowns at fuel price increment.

The government increased the pump price of petroleum products in the country by SLL500 from 8,500 summing up to 9,000.  This triggered a lot of debate from various quarters in the country. The Refinance Movement, a civil society organization condemns this act of the Petroleum Regulatory Agency (PRA) and oil marketing companies for such increase without a clear economic justification, as most Sierra Leoneans live below a dollar per day.

ACC Clears Minister’s name on Chinese rice distribution saga.

Minister for the North-West Region, Mrs Isata Abdulai Kamara who was named among those involved in the theft of rice donated by Chinese government in support of the feeding program for schools is now declared innocent by the Anti-Corruptions Commission. The Commission found out that Mrs Kamara has not received the presumed amount of rice, but a little which she distributed to schools in Port Loko.

One Billion Leone donated to support Free Quality Education Project.

The President’s meeting with the UK-Africa Investment Summit in London yields 1 Billion Leones for Sierra Leones’s free quality Education initiative. German professional Footballer, Antonio Rudiger donated $101,000 (1 Billion Leones) as his support to the Presidents vision of giving Free Quality Education for children in schools.

Bring NASSIT to Court if you have any case with them.

The public relations officer of the Judiciary, Moses Lamin Kamara says the general public can bring the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) to court if the need arise. This statement was made in the International Social Security Court sitting of 24 cases. He arssures the public that filing a case with NASSIT will not make one lose a case, because if NASSIT owes anyone, the individual’s interest is to get their monies back.

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