Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sierra Leone-American launches Jeneba Barrie, shoes to match all nude skin tones


Jeneba Barrie is a new shoe brand created by a Sierra Leonean-American woman of the same name. Barrie officially got into the shoe business in 2018, after many years of planning, and research. For years the only skin tones that had nude colors were those that matched white or light skinned women. Women of color struggled to find nude shows. Jeneba Barrie is correcting this.

Barrie was born in Freetown but emigrated to the United States of America when she was 8-years-old. She has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Houston and a JD from Paul M. Herbert Law Center at the Louisiana State University. 

Jeneba Barrie CEO of Jeneba Barrie

Barrie said the idea of creating her unique shoe line came in 2011 when she and her sister bought a pair of identical nude shoes but sadly it didn’t match either of there skin tones. Nude shoes are shoes with a wide palette of skin colors that perfectly match your skin tone just like makeup. She said the exquisite design, name, and style of the shoes compelled her into starting her own company and her company “Jeneba Barrie” is 100% self-funded.
“We had to move extremely slow because we will only make prototypes and do and buy things when we had the money to do so,” said Barrie. 

Despite being a mother and an attorney Barrie still manages to juggle her daily life, professional life, and her business. In fact, she has perfected the art of time management so well that she works on a pair of nude shoes daily before going to bed. And all this is to make sure her brand eventually makes it globally. While it’s not all be, her vision and belief to succeed mean she’ll never quit.

Nude shows in different skin tone

“The one thing I regret the most is not starting sooner. It took me 8 years from thinking about the brand to launching the brand and in between those years, I researched and took the temperature of the market,” said Barrie.

 “I should have started earlier. 



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