Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Vice President of Sierra Leone expelled from ruling political party


The President arriving at the APC office for today’s National Advisory Council (NAC) Meeting

The National Advisory Council of the All People’s Congress met at the party’s headquarters in Freetown today and they have taken the decision to expel the Vice President of Sierra Leone from the party for reasons yet unknown. In attendance at the meeting for the President of Sierra Leone, the Secretary General of the APC party Ambassador Osman Yansaneh, and others.

Umaru Fofanah

BBC Correspondent & Journalist Umaru Fofanah today posted that the Vice President of Sierra Leone Samuel Sam-Sumana has been expelled from the APC party

If Vice President Sam Sumana’s expulsion from the party is indeed true then it will come as no surprise to Sierra Leoneans. Rumors of the VPs expulsion from the party have been rife since before the 2012 election. Back then it was reported that the government was in talks with someone else of Kono ancestry to replace him as the president’s running mate. Even though he wasn’t removed from the elections ticket then, it has been no secret that the VP’s role and power has diminished nationally. Some might say that the VPs fall from grace began or became more apparent after the Aljazeera Timber undercover report.
Although the APC party may have removed the VP from their ranks this does not however mean that he has been officially removed from the Vice Presidency. He is still the Vice President of Sierra Leone. However one of the qualifications set by the 1991 Sierra Leone Constitution is that the Vice President and President both must belong to a political party in order to take up office.  However the constitution does not make any provisions for what should happen if the VP or President were no longer members of a political party.
With regards to a vacancy in the presidency and or vice presidency the terms are spelled out in Articles 50 and 51. A VP or President may be removed from office if deemed mentally or physically incapacitated, or for misconduct as determined by a parliamentary tribunal and voted on by two thirds of the parliament.
As of right now, we don’t know what is going to happen to Sam Sumana who is currently self quarantined for ebola.

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