7 things you don’t know about Social Security (NASSIT) in Sierra Leone

NASSIT Headquarters, Freetown
1. NASSIT is the largest financial institution in Sierra Leone after the Central Bank.
2. NASSIT’s primary responsibility is to replace, in part, income lost by individuals due to retirement, invalidity and death of the family’s breadwinner.
3. NASSIT is compulsory for all workers in the public and private sectors with an employer-employee relationship but it is voluntary for the self-employed.
4. You do NOT need a Lawyer or an agent to apply for your Social Security benefits.
5. NASSIT now covers the entire country with plans to introduce two new contingencies namely; Sickness (medical care) and Work Injury to add to Old Age, Invalidity and Death already covered.
6. A FREE NASSIT Social Security Clearance Certificate, which shows that all contributions and relevant due from and employer is needed before a company can do the following:
- the clearance of goods at the port
- the import/export of goods to or from Sierra Leone
- obtaining permit from the construction of any building
- tender or to be considered for any contract with a public institution
- registering any document conferring title to any land
- leaving the country, if you are a non-citizen
- obtaining work permit for foreign employees
7. NASSIT is a 100% Shareholder of Kimbima Hotel and 85% Shareholder of Radisson Blu/Mammy Yoko Hotel
The National Social Security Insurance Trust (NASSIT) was established in 2001 by the late President Dr. Ahmed Tejan Kabbah (1932-2014). It is a Statutory Public Trust set up by the National Social Security and Insurance Trust Act No. 5 of 2001 to administer Sierra Leone’s National Pension Scheme.
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