Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

President Weah’s CDC accuses opposition of election manipulation in Liberia’s presidential run-off


The political party of Liberia’s President George Weah, the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), has alleged that the recent presidential run-off vote was manipulated by the opposition. Despite raising the issue, the party has opted not to pursue the matter further, emphasizing a commitment to preserving unity in Liberia.

President Weah gracefully conceded on Friday evening, acknowledging Joseph Boakai’s narrow lead. The final results, unveiled on Monday, indicated Weah’s victory by a margin of just over 20,000 votes.

Various election observer groups, both local and international, including those from Ecowas and the European Union, unanimously declared the polls as free, fair, transparent, and credible.

Contrary to these assessments, CDC Secretary-General Jefferson Koijee asserted during a Wednesday news conference that the party possesses evidence of opposition interference in the election. Koijee claimed to have tangible proof, presenting a folder with tally sheets from 21 counts, alleging incidents of ballot stuffing. However, journalists were not granted access to inspect the evidence.

The Unity Party, led by Joseph Boakai, has not issued a response to these allegations at this time.

In Weah’s well-received concession speech, he acknowledged the voice of the Liberian people and emphasized the need for graciousness in defeat, prioritizing the country above party and patriotism above personal interests. Despite stepping down in January, President Weah pledged that the CDC would remain a robust opposition force.

Source: BBC Africa

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