Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

“LAJ will never commit such a crime” – Famous


Famous has revealed his stance about his friend and fellow entertainer, LAJ, who was sentenced to nine years in prison for robbery, assault and other related issues since March this year. In a live interview with Tamba B, on AfriRadio on Saturday, September 9, 2023, the award winning singer stated that he believed his friend had been wrongfully convicted. 

Famous openly expressed his concerns for LAJ and shed light on their special bond. He revealed that despite their different paths, LAJ had been a pillar of support during a difficult period in his life. Famous confirmed that when he faced accusations of ordering a hit on a thief, it was LAJ who reached out from behind bars, warning him of potential framing. This unexpected act of friendship left a lasting impression on Famous.

Addressing the accusations against LAJ, he passionately defended his friend’s character. Having known him for quite some time, Famous vouched for LAJ’s authenticity and pure-hearted nature. He categorically stated that he firmly believed LAJ was innocent of the crimes he had been convicted for. 

“LAJ might have been involved in heated arguments or fights, but stealing or robbery? No way,” Famous exclaimed. His conviction in LAJ’s innocence was so strong that he was willing to take an oath on his friend’s behalf.

While many entertainers and social media influencers have rallied behind the “Please Free LAJ” campaign, Famous’s unique perspective sets him apart. Instead of joining the chorus, he has chosen a different path. Famous explained that he refrains from pleading for LAJ’s release because he firmly believes his friend is innocent.

“I won’t plead for a crime I know he was not guilty of,” he declared. 

Rather than seeking public support, Famous is determined to work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure justice prevails. He expressed his commitment to helping his friend regain his freedom, trusting in the grace of a higher power “God”, affirming that the rapper’s road to redemption may be closer than we think.


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