Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sierra Leone commences large-scale distribution of 5.4 million insecticide-treated nets


Sierra Leone has initiated a massive campaign to distribute over 5.4 million insecticide-treated nets across the nation, aiming to curb the prevalence of malaria.

A digital registration system is being implemented in the campaign for the first time. Malaria continues to be the primary cause of mortality in Sierra Leone, with an annual occurrence of one million cases of infected children.

Research has shown that sleeping under bed nets can cut transmission rates by 50 per cent and decrease child mortality by 25 per cent. 

During the pilot phase launch in Bo last year, Dr. Jalikatu Mustapha, the Deputy Minister of Health, stressed the significance of combating malaria and ensuring a safe environment for children.

Nonetheless, there are intentions to introduce the malaria vaccine later this year. 

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