In the dazzling domain of the House of Stars Reality TV show, where personalities collide, and drama unfolds at every turn, the spotlight today falls on the charismatic Abu Bakarr Tarawalie Bakish, widely known as KishLeone— a model and social media influencer emerging as a formidable force in this maiden season.
Beyond the captivating drama of the show, KishLeone, born in Makeni, Bombali District, on February 16, 1993, stands tall at an impressive height of six feet and three inches. He has ascended beyond the excitement of the show to claim the inaugural ‘Head of House’ position.
His educational journey took him through the University of Makeni (UniMak), where he earned an honors degree in Development Studies aside from that KishLeone is an entrepreneur who proudly showcases his creativity through KishLeone Collections.
The milestones in his life are noteworthy triumphs at Mister SuperNational Sierra Leone and Mister SuperNational AFRICA 2021. Notably, he secured the runner-up position for Mister Sierra Leone. He confidently showcased his modelling prowess at Makeni Fashion Week that same year, making a lasting impact on the fashion scene.
Additionally recognised as the Face of the North Entertainment FaNea Best Male Model of the Year in 2022, KishLeone took on the role of President for the Makeni Models Union. His exceptional contributions garnered further acknowledgement, culminating in an Award of Honor in 2022.
The narrative of KishLeone extends far beyond the glamorous exterior. He is a passionate activist, contributing significantly to the Democracy Human Rights Fund (DHRF) in Sierra Leone, championing the cause of disadvantaged women and children in rural communities. He is also committed to youth empowerment through initiatives like high school debates and pageantry events.
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