From Campus To Screen| The Intriguing World of New Sierra Leonean Series “Can I?”


Amplifying the exciting first episode of a groundbreaking new Sierra Leonean series titled “Can I?”. Produced by Epic Studio with underdeveloped instruments, this series was casted by young Sierra Leonean students who showcased their potentials of revolutionizing the Sierra Leone movie industry.

With a perfect blend of love, drama, and betrayal, “Can I?” tells the captivating story of two university students who fall in love amidst a tight-knit friendship.


The episode begins by introducing us to the two protagonists, Lucy and Alex, both smart and determined students. As the story unfolds, we witness their deep friendship blossom into something more. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, drawing viewers into their world and making us root for their love to conquer all obstacles.

But love, as we all know, is never smooth sailing. As Lucy and Alex navigate their newfound relationship, they soon find themselves entangled in a web of secrets and jealousy. The series skillfully explores the complexities of human emotions and the consequences of our actions, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats and eagerly anticipating the next episode.

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