Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Check out #SierraLeonePod for International Podcast Day


Today is International Podcast Day! The be used as an opportunity for fellow podcasters, podcast listeners, enthusiasts, and leaders in the podcast industry.

The history of the International Podcast Day has evolved over the years, in 2014 it was known as ‘National Podcast Day’ and it was celebrated by broadcasting 6 hours of content. After that year the power of podcasts was quickly realized and the name was changed to ‘International Podcast Day.’

In Sierra Leone, podcasts are not as popular as they are in the Western world, podcasts are an emerging industry. Below are some podcasts created by Sierra Leoneans for Sierra Leone.

Y Square Pod: is co-hosted by Yasmin Metz-Johnson and Yasmine Bilkis Ibrahim. These are two young women who returned to Sierra Leone, their country of origin, they now live and work in Freetown. They use their podcast to showcase different perspectives of life in Sierra Leone through what they call a millennial lens. Y Square Pod has recorded and aired 35 episodes since its inception.

Plasas & Poyo: brought to you by three young Sierra Leoneans navigating through life in Salone (Sierra Leone). The hosts and their guests discuss everything from current affairs, relationships, and general chit chat. Their tagline; This is a young Salone like you have never heard before…na boku laugh dae ya! Tells you about their audience. In February this year, they were featured on the BBC’s Focus on Africa. Plasas and Poyo have recorded and aired 26 episodes since its inception.

Make Sierra Leone Famous: This is a podcast hosted by Vickie Remoe, the podcast is about conversations that expand your understanding of Sierra Leone’s history, culture, and identity. Make Sierra Leone Famous was created this year with the sole objective of making Sierra Leone famous showcasing the country in a different but positive perspective.

Boku Tok Pod: This is a podcast hosted by British-born Sierra Leoneans. The podcast guarantees its listeners laughter, debates, and #bokutok! You can follow them on Twitter and Instagram @bokutokpodcast!

Imagine Sierra Leone Podcast: Engages Sierra Leoneans in an exploratory and interactive dialogue to inquire about the beauty and distinctive culture of the country.

Borderless Podcast: This is a bi-weekly podcast hosted by a young Sierra Leonean who is passionate about storytelling. Borderless Podcast broadcast stories from different parts of the globe.

The Go Woman Podcast: is a series of conversations about the issues affecting women in Africa today.

Sabi Sierra Leone Podcast: is a series of conversations about issues affecting local Sierra Leoneans across different districts in the country. Most of their conversations increase awareness on basic necessities like health care services, education, water, social protection, and energy. 

Echos from Sierra Leone Podcast: This podcast is hosted by Sammy Kamara, a Sierra Leone born based in the USA. The podcast is 100 percent entertainment-based, but it also broadcasts news and information affecting the Sierra Leone community both in Krio and English. 

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