Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Students on government scholarship in Limkokwing University to return to class in October after sitting home for more than a year 


Professor Alpha Wurie, the Minister of Technical and Higher Education has in a short video published by the Ministry of information and Communication, confirmed that the government of Sierra Leone has agreed to pay Sierra Leonean students who are on scholarship at the Limkokwing University in Freetown.

This comes after more than 1000 students of the university who are on government scholarship were dropped out of college for over a year, because this present government of Sierra Leone refused to pay their fees, claiming that the previous administration before them didn’t make the right arrangement with the management of the university and those terms agreed then will lead the country to overspend.

However, Professor Wurie further states the government will be going to pay only for students who are already admitted into the university until their final year and they won’t pay for any new student. He calls on all admitted students at the University who are on scholarship to prepare to return to campus within the first week of October 2021.

“There was a backlog of SLL 30 billion (USD 3 million), the government is going to pay that and we’ve been given a 50 per cent discount for all students in years one and two who are wrapping up with their lectures,” he stated.

Professor Wurie ended his statement by saying this effort by the government is part of the flagship program to boost human capital development in the country. 

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