Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sarah Tarawally from Sierra Leone selected as a fellow for the 2021 Millennium Fellowship Program 


Sarah Tarawally from Sierra Leone has been selected as a fellow for the Class of 2021 Millennium Fellowship by the United Nations Academic Impact and MCN. 

The semester-long leadership development program for undergraduate leaders to help them develop their social impact to the next level they wish for. This year’s fellowship will cater for over 2,000 fellows from more than 25 countries.

Sarah Tarawally is a graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. 

She is presently a student of the African Leadership University in Mauritius. According to Sarah, she is honoured to have been selected to participate in the fellowship as this will be very essential to her career development. 

“It’s a great opportunity, and I couldn’t wait to get started meeting people from all over the world who are committed to making the world a better place.  Also, learn from people who have already made an impact on the world. I’m feeling overwhelmed and anxious,”  Tarawally stated. 

During her school days, Tarawally has engaged in different activities to create a social impact on society. She participated in a series of campaigns to help vulnerable girls across different communities in Sierra Leone. 

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