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5 lessons learned from the Vickie Remoe Show in Makeni – #MakeSierraLeoneFamous


In episode six of the Vickie Remoe Show, we take viewers on the road all the way up to Makeni, in Bombali District, Northern Sierra Leone. The town is the main headquarter town of Bombali District and it’s the largest in that part of the country. 

This episode takes a tour to Fatmata Tarawallie who lives in Maninkalah (home of the Mandingos who produced gara) and learns how to Gara. She then further the tour to the old post office building, telephone boot, and the dancers at the Turntable Milo Jazz Dance Group displays culture through music and dance. 

Here are 5  lessons learned from this episode

  1. The name Makeni is from the temne word “ekeni,” which means gains (profit). 
  2. The origin of gara tie-dying in Sierra Leone is from Maninkalah in Makeni. 
  3. Batik production is different from gara. To produce they use candles and paintbrushes, while for gara they use ink and other materials. 
  4. Makeni still has existing postage at its post office and structures of telephone booths. 
  5. The population of Makeni which is 124,634, is mostly dominated by business and trade. 

Learn more about Makeni in different ways. Watch the Vickie Remoe Show today and explore Sierra Leone in different folds. Tune here to watch:

This year’s edition was proudly sponsored by Orange Sierra Leone, Vickie Remoe & Company, and Capitol Foods Limited. The executive producer is Vickie Remoe, the producer and director is Ernest Henry, editors are Daniel Palmer and Selassie Sequa. 

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