Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sierra Leone: Excited parents share First day of school photos since ebola outbreak

 Today was the first day of school in Sierra Leone after some 8 months since they closed for ebola. Today Parents took to Facebook to post their children’s first day of school photos, while one private school owner considering the dismal turnout of students wrote that a PSA was needed to encourage more parents to send their students to school. Even the University is back open, and mass communication student Salamatu Turay wrote that she completed her first day with “zeal”. These are your first day of school photos from Sierra Leone on the countdown to zero ebola.

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First day in school … Proving quite challenging ! Ebola on Parents’ minds ….. We need to put in place new…

Posted by Chadia Talib on Tuesday, April 14, 2015

First day back to School after the nationwide shutdown due to the Ebola virus since July 2014. I know many parents who…

Posted by Gemini I. Thomas-Okoeguale on Tuesday, April 14, 2015

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First day of school, sander’s Street love

Posted by Aisha Khadar on Tuesday, April 14, 2015

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SCHOOL REOPENS IN SALONE TODAYFIRST day at School for these guys

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  1. concerned 15 April, 2015 at 10:18

    Have you got permission from these people to repost pictures of their children? They may not want them viewable to the public?

  2. Vickie Remoe 27 April, 2015 at 13:37

    According to Facebook’s privacy policy which all users have to accept to use the site, any images you post on Facebook are for public use. They can be downloaded and reused and or published without your permission. If you notice, all image sources are credited. Thanks for your concern.

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