Dalphin Ola Alexander, Creole girl from Sierra Leone on Big Brother Africa 7 [video]


Dalphin Ola Alexander, 27,

The other contestant representing Sierra Leone in this year’s Big Brother Africa Stargame is 27-year-old Dalphin Ola Alexander. She is a graduate of the University of Lagos (UNILAG), and a creole girl from Freetown.  Dalphin and Zainab (her partner) have reportedly been friends for 8 years. The talent agent is a full figured stunner with even fuller lips, a stark contrast to Zainab’s slender physique . The ladies represent the diversity of Sierra Leonean women. We get “straight-cut” and “kak-waist tumba”.

Dalphin says she won’t lose her pride to win the game. What will she do if she wins? Set up a TV-show and help war afflicted children from Sierra Leone thats what. Her favourite places in Freetown, are Aberdeen Beach and Hill Station.



  1. Tee-baby 8 May, 2012 at 15:37

    I fail to see why her being Creole is relevant. Why was it mentioned in the article?

  2. dee 10 May, 2012 at 15:43

    Dis zainab of a gal ℓ̊ڪ jst an embarrasmnt to her country, wonderin where thy got her frm, there a lot of gals dat can rep us i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ a better way :((. She’s soo vulgar, talks too much, cannot sing her national athem nither her pledge she uses d f word i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ almst aℓℓ hour sentnces, she flirts Ñ she has a loose panty ;((

  3. Chief Bombolai III 12 May, 2012 at 05:17

    @Tee Baby, it is relevant. West African’s generally know of the Creole(or Saro/Aku as they are called in Naij or Gambia respectively) and have wondered who these uncouth & uncanny successors of SL are. By stating her heritage shes’s ensuring the greater west african vote, because we all know Aboriginal Sierra Leonians will not vote for her. LOL

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