Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

The Great Return to Bo


So lets talk about my last trip to BO Town earlier this month…

As you may remember, I went to Bo for the first time in 2006 and soon after I started the swit salone blog journey. Unlike my last journey which was a serious pain in the ass and I mean that literally my ass hurt after. This last trip was much more pleasant on the derriere. The progress on the Bo-Freetown Highway was noticeable with caterpillars, cones, and bowsers on the roads.

Unlike my last trip where I stayed at someone’s house this time around I stayed at THE hotel/guest house in Bo (CountrySide)….I didn’t get to see IMPERIAL (THE other hotel in Bo) One word to explain CountrySide with its swimming pool and tennis court is…hmmm…charming? If you followed the last elections closely you may remember an incident about Tom Nyuma having attempted to assassinate Earnest Bai in a hotel….yup…it was countryside. Infact I overheard the wife of the owner pointing the rooms of the incident to some visitors ( yes…nay a dem bin day. If u bin see blood way den bit Tom. All ya bin get blood. Anyway it had to have been a setup)

It seems like all they had to offer for meals at the hotel was chicken, beef, and fresh water fish with either cous cous, fried rice, or French fries. They had tons of other stuff on the menu but don’t ask cause they don’t have it. I didn’t spend much time walking around Bo this time around so I didn’t see much of the town. I did however get a whoel lot of work done for my new job (yup sista girls workin now:-)

However a day or so before we headed up to Bo the front page headlines of the Press in Freetown said everything from Bo on Fire to Bo Town Mayor arrested…My grandmother tried to persuade me to stay in Freetown but experience has taught me that salone news paper dem no serious. According to the Press Bo was on fire because a picture of HE Dr. Earnest Bai Koroma that was in front of the Bo Town Clock Tower had been painted green a day or so after the president left Bo on a tour of the provinces.
When we actually got to Bo there was no sign of unrest or upheaval though we did say the disfigured picture of the president.

As THE second city in Sierra Leone BO like most of the provinces needs turns of development….its still dull socially & economically…but for me thats just a whole of potential waiting to be tapped like some fresh poyo

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