Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Sierra Leone records zero new cases of the COVID-19 pandemic after one month


Sierra Leone has today the 12 of April 2020, recorded zero (0) new cases of the COVID-19 pandemic, which clearly means that the total number of cumulative confirmed cases is still at 338 the same as of yesterday’s total and that was according to the Ministry of Information and Communication daily status update on the virus. 

The last time the country did record 0 new cases were on the 12 and 13 of April 2020 by then the total number of cumulative confirmed cases was 10 with 0 deaths and recoveries recorded. Meanwhile, 1 new death was recorded which total the number of deaths to 20, no new recoveries were recorded and the current cumulative total is 72. 

So far 10 districts from across all the regions in the country have recorded confirmed cases of the virus, with only 6 districts remaining that has 0 confirmed cases. Freetown (Western area urban and Western area rural) is the epicenter of the virus with each district having 245 and 36 registered confirmed cases respectively. 

Other districts that have registered confirmed cases are Bo district – 11 cases, Bonthe district – 12 cases, Bombali district – 8, Falaba district – 2, Kenema district – 10, Koinadugu district – 2, Port Loko district – 8, Tonkolili district – 4 cases and Freetown (Western area urban and rural) with the figures mentioned above. 

The number of people in quarantine has decreased by 37 people as of yesterday to today and now the current number is 2030 people.  

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