Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

Water scarcity hits citizens of Sierra Leone on lockdown


Sierra Leone is in lockdown, many communities across the country are without water supply during this period. 

On the first day of the lockdown, many people came out in search of water because their homes had no water that will serve them throughout the lockdown period and that’s against the regulations of the lockdown. 

As per law, all necessary needs must be provided by service providers so that people wouldn’t violate the rules governing all the lockdowns. More especially water which is needed by people to live and run their normal activities while they stay home.

Speaking on national television a woman from Mountain Cut community said that “over 2 days we had no water supply in the neighborhood if the taps were open on Friday we would  have obeyed the orders set by the authorities.”

Addressing the nation at the end of the first day H.E Julius Maada Bio commended Sierra Leoneans for staying at home, “though there are constraints of water which he saw kids on the road while he was supervising the lockdown, they will work on that soon” said President Bio.

According to people in other communities, on Saturday which they were supposed to fetch water, the Guma Valley Water Company closed all taps at night and in the morning they had no options but to go out and get some water because the taps are open.

Water supply is one of the biggest challenges faced by the citizens of Sierra Leone, this was what led to a high rate of teenage pregnancy across different communities in the country.

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