Vickie Remoe Institute of Digital Communications

New electronic billboard launched to publish government spending in Liberia


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In Monrovia, citizens can now keep track of government spending with an electronic billboard funded by the US government. The billboard is part of a new Open Budget Initiative to increase transparency in Liberia. The display board was switched on by President Johnson-Sirleaf  last Wednesday in front of hundreds reports the Washington Post.

Reactions to the billboard were mixed. One passerby said that the government should find better ways to keep the public informed, but another resident of the city, a hair dresser said that the billboard was better than what they had before. She said that at least the government was telling them how it was spending money now.

President Sirleaf was criticized last year for nepotism and corruption.

Innovation or Propaganda?


  1. Cecil Valentine 27 January, 2013 at 10:39

    propaganda. I just cant trust most governments in Africa anymore. They can certainly publish what they want the people to see.

  2. Concerned 22 February, 2013 at 00:36

    I am sure Liberians are more interested in knowing where all the money stolen from govt coffers goes, and how officials are able to hide all the money they skim from the budget.

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